For a more in-depth list of talks, awards, publications, skills, etc., please check my curriculum vitae.

You can find what I consider to be my 8 most relevant publications below. Fore a more complete publication list you can also visit my Google Scholar page

Selected publications

Chor, Tomas, Jacob Wenegrat. 2024. “The turbulent dynamics of anticyclonic submesoscale headland wakes.” Journal of Physical Oceanography. [Pre-print here]

Chor, Tomas, Jacob Wenegrat, and John Taylor. 2022. “Insights into the Mixing Efficiency of Submesoscale Centrifugal-Symmetric Instabilities.” Journal of Physical Oceanography. [PDF here]

Chor, Tomas, James C. McWilliams, and Marcelo Chamecki. 2021. “Modifications to the K-Profile Parameterization with Nondiffusive Fluxes for Langmuir Turbulence.” Journal of Physical Oceanography. [PDF here]

Chor, Tomas, James C. McWilliams, and Marcelo Chamecki. 2020. “Diffusive–Nondiffusive Flux Decompositions in Atmospheric Boundary Layers.” Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences 77 (10): 3479–94. [PDF here]

Chamecki, Marcelo, Tomas Chor, Di Yang, and Charles Meneveau. 2019. “Material Transport in the Ocean Mixed Layer: Recent Developments Enabled by Large Eddy Simulations.” Reviews of Geophysics. [PDF here]

Chor, Tomas, Ailín Ruiz de Zárate, and Nelson L. Dias. 2019. “A generalized series solution for the Boussinesq equation with constant boundary conditions.” Water Resources Research. [PDF here]

Dias-Júnior, Cléo Quaresma, …, Tomas Chor, and Antonio Manzi. 2019. “Is There a Classical Inertial Sublayer over the Amazon Forest?” Geophysical Research Letters. [PDF here]

Chor, Tomas, Di Yang, Charles Meneveau, and Marcelo Chamecki. 2018. “A Turbulence Velocity Scale for Predicting the Fate of Buoyant Materials in the Oceanic Mixed Layer.” Geophysical Research Letters. [PDF here]

Chor, Tomás, Di Yang, Charles Meneveau, and Marcelo Chamecki. 2018. “Preferential Concentration of Noninertial Buoyant Particles in the Ocean Mixed Layer Under Free Convection.” Phys. Rev. Fluids. [PDF here]