Personal projects
Here you can find a non-exhaustive list of projects that I pursue mostly on my free time. Feel free to reach out if you’re interested in any of them.
I’m a regular contributor to Oceananigans, a Julia package that provides an efficient and user-friendly way to run large-eddy simulations (among other things) on CPUs and GPUs. I also created a companion package Oceanostics, which provides easy diagnostics to Oceananigans.
Science communicationPermalink
I am also interested in communicating science in general. Below is a video that I created along with TED-Ed:
I started a quick physical oceanography cheat sheet at gitlab that lists and explains some useful equations, relations, etc. in a very brief manner. I created it mainly for personal use and it’s still a work in progress that I populate as I need, but contributors are welcome.
I created and developed the Python Tool for Micrometeorological Analyses: Pymicra. This is an open-source project hosted on github that you can use and contribute to.
My other side projects can also be accessed using my Github page. Most are for personal use but they are all open-source and anyone can use them if they wish to.